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Home > Christspiracy > How Much Does It Cost To Watch Christspiracy?
How Much Does It Cost To Watch Christspiracy?
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Christspiracy is available for free, as we believe in making this important film accessible to as many people as possible.


However, if you can, we encourage you to Pay-It-Forward by donating any amount that feels right for you. Your donation helps us continue our work and ensures that others can watch the film at no cost.


For every $10 donated, another person gains access to the film for free. Additionally, those who choose to donate gain access to extra footage, including extended interviews and behind-the-scenes content. Donations can range from as little as $5 to as much as $12,000, allowing you to contribute at a level that aligns with your capacity.


If you'd like to watch the film for free, you can create a free account.


Thank you for supporting our mission to spread awareness and create impact through Christspiracy!

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